Hi, I am really down trodden right now. Every time I come home from Mommy Pam and enter my room, I feel like a big mosquito is on my back sucking all my blood away. Sometimes I just close the door and walk away and forget that it looks that way. I've been doing that for quite a while. And it seems to work but deep down I know the mosquito is still sucking my blood. And soon the mosquito will drain me and then I'll clean up all the puddles and dirty bodies of water that attract and breed the mosquitoes. But then, my fellow in habitants won't watch their habits and they'll leave containers about and rain will fall and they won't think to use the water right away or get rid of the standing water. The will leave it and leave it and walk by it everyday. Even though I have instructed them and asked them to please not leave water standing in the open for more than a day because the mosquitoes will use it as their breeding ground. I have shown them by example what a mosquito bite can do but still they do not heed my pleas. Is it possible that I am the only one who suffers an adverse effect when bitten by a mosquito? Could it be that the others have developed some sort of immunity to the effects of a mosquito's bite? Do they all have sickle cell?! Oh, I see it must be so... They find that they can coexist with the mosquitoes. Ah, Alas! I cannot do as they do. I best be moving on from here.
Yours weakly,
- T.Y.B.
Yours weakly,
- T.Y.B.