I am baby-sitting, more like house-sitting, for a week. I got to travel far away from mi familia who find me annoying and I quote "...that her annoying voice" etc.
I wont make any excuses. I will make nice complete arguements, try and win this debate! I make my voice softer so I don't come off as disrespectful or overbaring. a soft voice sounds more submissive. Wy should I even be asking what it is I am asking? Because, I got tired of cleaning up everyday only to wake up to the ftermath of hurricanes N and L. These hurricanes are also on more clean-after-yourself pemisable schedules. What is that you say? I dont have a job? That is true but it is not by choice andjust because I am home does not mean I should be the everlasting maid. What is that if I dont clean Ishould cook? I do clean ony it gts dsirty before anybodynotices. And if I did start cooking, the CO2 in the house would increase, People would complain that it tastes bad,... I have bad memories related to cooking.
There will be no definite winner to the previous argument so I abandoned it.
Back to baby-sitting: I am looking after these three youngins. In order of descending age they are Ebung, Elizabeth and Donne. I already knew Ebung andthe other two areehis cousns. They are pretty likable. I just expoed them to my azn infatuation by making them watch K-pop. They kinda liked it but when I put Bigbang's Fantastic baby Ebung and Donne (both guys) were transfixed. Not like "OMG this is so awesome" or "hmm, I think I like this" but like "OMG what is this? What alternate dimension did this emerge from?" The girl was more ok with it, we both laughed at the males' reaction to the video.
While watching the video she said her music teache rresembled one of the Bigbang members. I immediately asked how old he was, sadly he was too old, not that I would/could have done anything about it. I just had to ask, I mean all the Bigbang members are banging especailly le T.O.P. And then GD is the funnest cutest best guy friend that could ever be. I don't really think about the others that much, eversince I found out about taeyang's hieght (still hot htough). Seungri got into my view-finder with the tory about him hitting motocycler and then there was strong baby. I really want to believe th story thta the body was already dead before he hit it but it just seems so idk.
Eleventh Grade Burns. I'm not in eleventh grade but I am a fang girl of Vladimir Tod.
I wont make any excuses. I will make nice complete arguements, try and win this debate! I make my voice softer so I don't come off as disrespectful or overbaring. a soft voice sounds more submissive. Wy should I even be asking what it is I am asking? Because, I got tired of cleaning up everyday only to wake up to the ftermath of hurricanes N and L. These hurricanes are also on more clean-after-yourself pemisable schedules. What is that you say? I dont have a job? That is true but it is not by choice andjust because I am home does not mean I should be the everlasting maid. What is that if I dont clean Ishould cook? I do clean ony it gts dsirty before anybodynotices. And if I did start cooking, the CO2 in the house would increase, People would complain that it tastes bad,... I have bad memories related to cooking.
There will be no definite winner to the previous argument so I abandoned it.
Back to baby-sitting: I am looking after these three youngins. In order of descending age they are Ebung, Elizabeth and Donne. I already knew Ebung andthe other two areehis cousns. They are pretty likable. I just expoed them to my azn infatuation by making them watch K-pop. They kinda liked it but when I put Bigbang's Fantastic baby Ebung and Donne (both guys) were transfixed. Not like "OMG this is so awesome" or "hmm, I think I like this" but like "OMG what is this? What alternate dimension did this emerge from?" The girl was more ok with it, we both laughed at the males' reaction to the video.
While watching the video she said her music teache rresembled one of the Bigbang members. I immediately asked how old he was, sadly he was too old, not that I would/could have done anything about it. I just had to ask, I mean all the Bigbang members are banging especailly le T.O.P. And then GD is the funnest cutest best guy friend that could ever be. I don't really think about the others that much, eversince I found out about taeyang's hieght (still hot htough). Seungri got into my view-finder with the tory about him hitting motocycler and then there was strong baby. I really want to believe th story thta the body was already dead before he hit it but it just seems so idk.
Eleventh Grade Burns. I'm not in eleventh grade but I am a fang girl of Vladimir Tod.