I didn't look forward to it but I didn't hate it either. Having another being share my room with me was something I had lived with all my life save the last few months.
Then one day I came home and the airy feel of my room was diminished: the open empty space under my bed that filtered light in was darkened by storage bins; my organized loosely packed closet was blessed with many a box. I thought perhaps my mother had thought my room could serve as storage for some inexplicable reason and I would reason explicably with her.
Then explicable realization- my aunt had said she'd be coming over to d tayfor quite a while.
Since I was in school, I left home early and cameback late. And it just so happened that my aunt was working nights and sleeping days. So we never saw each other for three good days. When she did see me, she seemed angry put off and some of what she was feeling was directed at me. I came in said hi, I mean cuz I already knew she was in the house and I was tired. Changed, went to bathroom, and came back to the room to work on some HW and she mumbled something about ... "don't worry i'm leaving". I'm fine with people being angry especially when I have my own issues. But not when the anger is directed at me. Actually that's fine too, but she seemed like she was leaving completely, so I felt bad. But she was simply leaving for work.
Thus, started my months of feeling like there was a form fitting cage around me. I didn't have my solidarity. I couldn't sleep because of snoring. Matter of fact, I couldn't even climb my bed without hearing gruntful complains. The bed is metal and old, the screws are as tight as they can get. Please, do understand that the bed will squeak or, show me how not to make the bed squeak in a way that doesn't involve not sleeping on the bed
Then there is the constant influx of material, aptly called "junk". I dont really care as long as its out of sight and none of my spaces have been to badly tampered with. But freedom is gone. I can't wait till my roommate is gone. I now realize that short term relationships are not necessarily proof that a long one will last. You must work at every relationship; compromises required.
In the meantime I will practice patience.You