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Showing posts from 2014

Verified Sighting

Hey Bubbles, So that familiar feeling I mentioned in "To see or not to see",  well it was dead on point.  I did see someone I would rather not have seen. I know that for sure becuase I saw them again today; had my glasses on we had parallel although opposite paths; and the bookbag was the same bookbag that I saw riding on the bike rider's back [I like weird looking bookbags]. But Zayum, why?! Now that I have resolved certain privacy issues I feel more at ease discussing this unwarranted appearance before the existence that is currently my life. So I saw a familiar face that I thought was long gone. I wanted to verify weather or not it was a similar face or that familiar face so I sought the current occupation of that person and clicked a link to LinkedIn. Now at this pont it ran through my head that I may be logged in to LinkedIn and if so this person would know that I visited their profile (I know this sounds stalker-ish, but hear me out). For some dumb reason I let...

Falling feelings

Its getting colder outside with a heat flare every once in a while. Rain too falls heavily once in a while and some times daily. But its obvious its falling season. The temperature falls, leaves fall, rain falls, people too fall (cause its slippery  outside). Ah but emotions too fall. Falling feelings nestle into hearts and minds and homes. The cold feeling freeze extremities as well as the center. Hot chocolate, warm pastries and just brewed coffee; none of these can fight the cold. People hibernate in their individual spaces leaving their idle minds and hearts to fall prey to the falling feelings. They eat at what you believe what you love what binds you to other people and try to disassemble what binds you with Him.  The falling feelings make it so that even though its freezing, entropy is at its best. It is not something that must happen. You can enjoy the falling temperatures, the falling rain, the falling leaves, and at least find humor in falling without housing fallin...
Hey bubblies, I feel so negative at times, yes even though I call you (the readers) bubblies, I am not bubbly all the time. Like now TYB

To see or not to see

UHM... So yesterday I think saw someone I didn't want to see; someone I thought would be long gone from my hemisphere. I didn't confirm the identity, but the familiar felling lurked about me like an eager dog. plus deductively if that person where still within this area, that is the most logical place to have seen them. So today I didn't see someone I wanted to see; someone who I intentionally try not to talk to because well: I am afraid I'm as clear as a newly purchased DWR Victoria Ghost Chair. Alas, life sent a recall in the form of exams and tings,... So I bid thee good day, until the next day. TYB

Nostalgia hits home in a UNIV100 paper

Yvette B.Tamukong. That is what my birth certificate reads. However, I have been called many other names in the few years my cells have been going through mitosis. Some of these words are medical, insulting, complementing and, of course, nicknames. I was called an embryo, a baby, a child, a pre-teen, a teen, an adolescent and, at last, an adult. I do not really think the term adult should be applied based on medical terms. An adult is someone who is responsible for themselves and is capable, if needed, of caring for another. As of now I do not believe myself to have met those conditions. So this the story of how I got so many names. I was born to Joseph and Florence T on the evening of monday, May *1, 19** in a providence called Wum. I was their first biological child together. Joseph had two children from a previous marriage: both boys. Gerald and Edwin are their names. Gerald is the eldest. And then there was Nadine. She is, in actuality, my cousin on my mothers side who was adopt...

A ravishing journey into fairy tale land

Hey bubblies, I took an expected trip through the net today and happened to lay eyes on this hopelessly romantic paragraph. I wanted to share with all, singletons and attached both.  Relax your facial muscles because  the following is sure to put a smile on your face! I’m often perceived as visually “put-together” or styled in a way that is unapproachable and untouchable. Here I was, blessed with the very real possibility of my first second date in over a year and a half and goshdarnit I wanted to be touchable! I wanted to have shaken-out hair that I could casually flip and tuck behind one ear as I leaned in for a conspiratorial chuckle at some shared observation, and maybe it would fall from behind my ear and my date would reach out and tuck it back again and just then a bluebird would flutter in and land on my outstretched index finger and the bluebird and I would sing a lovely duet and then my date would join in on the third verse and I would wonder how he knew the so...

Loose hands, Empty pockets

I hate myself for always losing things. I have lost over $2000 worth of merchandize from cameras to phones to clothes to actual money. $100 $20 Canon camera Some brand phone Canon camera Neck pillow Armani exchange glasses Iphone 4 tiny dainty gold rings Pashmina scarf Leather Jacket 500,000 won Jean Shirt A lot of water bottles A lot of earrings Lg phone vintage finger cuff Korean pen Striped cardigan Iphone 5s Medicated spectacles Samsung galaxy 3 I am sick and tired of this. I absolutely hate that things that I worked hard to get or that my friends and family especially thought I would appreciate or make good use of.  Its like oil is pouring down and nothing I do can hold the oil for a long time. I come up with plans and daily habits that should help me keep all my possessions in my possession.but on day i fail and it just slips out of my hands and into to storm drain that I am standing on never to be retrieved again. It like that my whole life. th...

Four letter word/feeling/ emotion/illusion that everyone is addicted to

사랑이가 참 더러워요. Love is so dirty. Everybody craves it; everybody has received it; everybody has given it; sometimes there's a giving but there's never receiving and sometimes it's not reciprocated. That's how love is: multifaceted. And sometimes with the giving but not receiving it's not always that there isn't a mutual love it's just different languages. As in I understand love is this and I expect you to do this and I expect you to say this and you see love as saying this love is doing this and love is just sometimes unspoken. Sometimes one just feels as if love is articulated by the carbon and oxygen atoms that once inhabited our bodies forgetting that they to are preoccupied with their own electric relationships to bother with ours, yours, and theirs. Love is just like english: its different depending on which country you are in or even where your english tutor is from. In other words love is different depending on who ...

New reading trends.

Hi bubblies, I think TYB suddenly got a bunch of new bubblies, or maybe a few  really steadfast bubblies. Anyways, I just want to be accountable for the words I am to spill onto this screen: I'll write once a month minimum; I'll create a schedule to help me sail through the net year because ts mighty packed. I'll exercise my faith diligently by working hand in hand with God; I will minimize my feelings of incompetency, jealousy, lust, revenge, and self-pity. Keep me accountable. I'll try my best to do so myself. its been weightless, see you next time. TYB

A phone

So I have a tale to tell. I have been without mobile device for long a time and lived to tell about it. It all started on a warm Tuesday evening. April 8 2014 to be exact. My classmates and I were in the process of executing a Chinese fire drill,  when my phone fell, sliding under the car as I was trying to occupy the front passenger seat. Scared,  I quickly grasped at it praying the light didn't turn green. The people in the car behind us laughed as I scrambled for it... and finally got it within the confines of my hand. Phew. My classmates and I thought to go have lunch at Chipotle and we did. Before we went into the store I was torn between taking my phone or not. You see my phone was almost out of battery. On one hand I thought it was pointless carrying around a dead phone but then maybe I should take it. (I don't know why I did that because it's not like I wanted to charge it.  I know that because I did not take the charger.)  Very regretful decision. I only...


I didn't look forward to it but I didn't hate it either. Having another being share my room with me was something I had lived with all my life save the last few months. Then one day I came home and the airy feel of my room was diminished: the open empty  space under my bed that filtered light in was darkened by storage bins; my organized  loosely packed closet was blessed with many a box. I thought perhaps my mother had thought my room could serve as storage for some inexplicable reason and I would reason explicably with her. Then  explicable realization- my aunt had said she'd be coming over to d tayfor quite a while. Since I was in school, I left home early and cameback late. And it just so happened that my aunt was working nights and sleeping days. So we never saw each other for three good days. When she did see me, she seemed angry put off and some of what she was feeling was directed at me. I came in said hi, I mean cuz I already knew she was in the house and I wa...

A day of solace

I have had a really good day today. At some points I felt bad then good then bad then good again. I was upset that what I wanted was given to someone else. Then I realized I had not asked whilst this other person had. Then I imagined that I would be ostracized for the duration. But, with just  few words from someone, I resolved to revel in solitude as opposed to loneliness. I enjoyed the movie. I can honestly say this. I also enjoyed dinner; though I must add that perhaps I was overbearing with the outgoingness or in trying to be fun/funny. I was just like the white tall guy in "think like a man too." Only thing is I am his opposite: black short girl. Yes, even though some may find it taboo to refer to black and white as opposites The whole day just led me to think of  picture that got my attention today... Cheers to your bubbles TYB
Hi bubblies, I've been gone for very long I realize. my writing skills may diminish if I do not consciously cultivate them. My art abilities too. Actually, all skills are bound to deteriorate if not practiced daily just as our limbs deteriorate if they are not used often enough. I'll be back i have to go talk to Sangmin sunbae! Well wasn't I gone for a long time. LS (laugh silently[ I am trying to make this happen lol ls]  TYB

지난 주말에

이벳 타무콩 한국어 수필 1 2014년 03월 04일  부모님께 아버지 잘 지내시죠? 지난주말에도 잘 지내셨지요? 여기는 날씨가 너무 달라요. 지난 주말에는 주말이 매우 길었어요.이틀이나 학교가 문을 안 열었오요. 신양면 눈이 많이 왔기 때문이에요. 특별한 날 이었어요. 학교가 주말에 저녁 일찍 닫았어요. 학생들은 이렇게 생각했어요: "이상해, 눈이 아직도 안 왔어요.  학교가 이렇게 문 미리 닫으면 문이 진짜 많이올거예요." 저는 행복했어요. 쉬난 시간이 많이 생겼어요. 그런데 금요일에 시험 봐야 ㅎ 했어요. 그랬어 생각했어요, "목요일애 겅부를 해야 해요." 하지만 교수님이 이메일을 보내셨어요 "여러분 이번 금요일날 시험을 보지 않을 거예요. 대신 다음주에 볼께요." 전 이것을 싫어했어요. 왜냐하면 다른 내용을 공부해야해요.  목요일에 일어나서 이를 닦고 아침 식사를 하거 침대로 돌아갔어요. 침대에서 스마트폰 으로 이 영화를 많이 봤어요. 배가 고프면서 부엌에 가서 과일과 과자를 침대로 가져갔어요. 잠깐 잠깐 영화 보기를 멈췄어요. 멈춰서 방을 청소 했어요. 하지만, 잠깐동안 방을 청소 했어요. 이렇게 놀았어요. 금요일에는 일찍 일어났지만 그날 도 학교가 닫았어요. 이메일을 읽고 잤어요. 제 친구가 전화했어요. "오늘 우리 같이 놀까요?" 대답했어요: "당근!" 이렇게 약속했어요. 뭐해 우리 인생에 대해  생각 많이 했어요. 보통 극중 같은 생각이었어요. 우리 어머니 나왔어요. "괜찮아요?" "응." 거짓말 했어요. 할 머니도 저에게 몰어봤어요: "이벳 괜찮니? 괜찮지 않은 것 같은데." 또 거짓말 했어요. 어머니 또 와서 제 앞에 앉아서 눈을 보고 "문제가 있어요?" 말했어요. 같이 이야기를 했어요. 어머니께서 저 많이 도와주셔서 고마웠어요 이벳 올림

Kora letter: 오늘 제 자림새.

이벳 타무콩 한국어 수필 1 2014년 03월 04일 와, 눈이 와요. 너무 예뻐요. 모두 흰색이니까 경치가 너무 예뻐요.나는 예쁘지만 날씨가 추울거에요. 그래서 따뜻한 옷을 입겠어요. 두꺼운 옷을 입지 않을 거예요. 대신 얇게 옷을 많이 입겠어요. 얇은 옷을유로겹 입겠어요. 이렇게 더운 방에 들어가면 옷 몇겹을 조금 벗어요.  까만색 옷은 따뜻하지만 엄숙해요. 저는 옅은 색을 제일 좋아해요. 그래서 따뜻하루 그냥 가만 쓸 신발를 신겠어요. 하지만 어떤 신발을 신을 까요? 제가 제일 좋아하는 부츠나 편한 장화를 신을 까요? 알았어요! 어제 산구두를 신겠어. 그 구두를 신고 따뜻한 까만색 레깅스를 입겠어요. 회색 레깅스를 입고 싶지만 더러웠어요. 저는 빨래하는 것을 잊어버렸어요. 그랬어 그냥 까만색 레깅스를 입을 수 있을 거에요. 그리고 연어색 탱크탑과 하늘색 청남방을 입을게요. 하늘색 청남방이 엄청귀여워요. 그 청남방의 버튼들은 금색이에요 가디건도 입을게요. 베이지색 가디건은 청남방 위에 입을거에요. 그 다음에 반짝이는 민트색 목걸이 할게요. 귀에는 하얀색 원형 스터드 귀걸이를 할께요. 외투로는 패딩을 입을 거에요. 초록같은 회색 헤딩 이에요. 그리고 그 후 연한 분홍색 목도르를 하고 같은 색 모자를 쓸거에요. 오늘 입을 차림새 내가 골랐어요. 차림새 골라서 샤와를 할거에요.