#hundredyearinheritance #leeseyoon boy is so dumb! Get your head on straight. Look at those pictures! How could Chae Won have taken them of she was in them! I mean crapitude! Where are your problem solving skills! #kimjoori you are so dumb! Do you think after he sees your mom he won't figure out that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree? #mincheawon don't stress to much. You prolly already suspect Joo Ri. Use your resources. Match her handwriting to the 사탕 note. Also I'm pretty sure your building has camera's. Use them!!! You can nail her for planting the basket and stealing the thank you note and soup from Se Yoon's office. #leedonkyu good job for not trusting all that comes out of Joo Ri's mouth even if your wifey believes it. P.S.- Your wife has some skeletons hidden under the bed. Check those out.