Hey bubblies. Fangirling is such a rush of adrenaline. When your "bias" appears somewhere or is recorded doing something cool or what on the ever; uber "kyaaaa" or other girly excited sound (p.s. I have actually "kyaaaaa!"ed while fangirling, lol) Its all cool and dandy till it passes a line. That line is crossed when we follow them after spotting with a in hand pointed them recording what we aren't sure they would have liked publicized. Its like paparazzi only with guerrilla tactics. Everybody could whip out a camera, kindly ask for a signature or picture or and follow you around without your say so. Yeah, nothing bad is said. In fact, a lot of [idol]ization goes on (didja catch the pun? huhuhuhu). But still, being filmed when you didn't intend on it can be stressful. So lets be fan-persons (boys and girls) who are respectful of the other person's feelings, bias or otherwise. Let's not trigger their fight or flight mechanisms,...