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Showing posts from May, 2012

The graduation after mine

I was invited toy friends little brother's graduation and it just made me realize it's been one year exactly since I graduated. Since then, I haven't seen any big changes in mine self. It was nice seeing Randy again for the first time since grad night. She is still the same only I feel we have more to talk about than we did before.

I won!

I went to a baby shower and played a game where you had to match an animal an the name it's. Young offspring are called. For example goat would be matched to kid; chicken to chick, etc. I matched 16 out of 20. Yay me! But the prize was a let down: cologne. I guess my younger bro is getting par gum for his birthday. I like today; I freakin did something!!! This is sis and I. We went to the shower together.👯

Cute cousins

My cute cousins came over today and we played around. We played cowboy because they were inspired by my plastic cowboy hat. Don't ask why I have a plastic cowboy hat. Smh

Young Girl dead!!!!

Oh no!!!! Jae-hyuk killed Young-gul; shot him straight in the head. This can't be it! Now, Ga-young is all alone no family no real love, just a man who wants to make her love him by all means. Fix it please writer and director! I am going through some serious cognitive dissonance!

Breaking Dawn part 1

Omg! I love that Jacob was going to go kill Renesmee but then when she turned and looked at him with her sparkling baby eyes he fell, imprinting on her instead. Love! But how is Jacob gonna stay young for Renesmee. I know vamps can be young forever but werewolves? Look at Billy Black; unless I missed something? ⚠

microwave plate

I was washing my microwave and left the plate out. My brother was doing something and made the plate fall, but somehow most of the blame lands on me

The birth of The Young Bubble

2:10 AM : I just created my blog. I didn't get the website name I wanted ( ) because another girl already has it. It just pisses me off that she's not doing anything with it. I hope I don't make someone else feel this way.  ツ                                                                                                                                                 - T.Y.B.